Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I am all for new initiatives. The latest I read was 'Bring SMILY RIDE in Bangalore traffic'. I am mighty impressed. The action plan seems simple enough:
1)Just follow the rules and Lane discipline ALWAYS. NEVER EVER violate traffic Rules.
2)Keep smiling at Signals..No arguments, NO shouting, NO Honking and DONOT provoke others to violate.
3)Just display (Show off) to others that you are a strict follower of traffic rules by tying RED and YELLOW (TWO ribbons..just to differentiate if some one has habit of tying ribbon for prosperity etc.,) RIBBON to your vehicle in prominent place..(Say side mirror on Cars, Bikes or buses) and ENROLL minimum TEN people in your life to participate in this MOVEMENT. And each of them will Enroll TEN Others and the chain goes on.

Everytime someone in the car starts cribbing about the traffic or honking, I try and remind them about the 3 principles to follow. But you know, sometimes it really becomes difficult!! I was sitting happily in my 7th floor apt sipping my morning coffee, lazing. Just happened to peep out of the window and this is what I saw:

Can you believe this is not Majestic? It is Sarjapur Road/ORR intersection! Make way for flyovers and underpasses..Make way for progress. And while that is going on, expect quite a lot of jams along the way!!And dont forget, keep smiling:-)

Anyways Cheers to Ananth and the 'Bring Smily Ride in Bangalore Traffic'. Read for more...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Some Valentine's love for our planet?

1)Buy a potted plant of red roses instead of a vase of red roses. Go to a nearby nursery and pick up one. These last longer and are environmentally friendly..

2)Make your own chocolate instead of buying from outside for a change. Here is a simple recipe:
Sugar-1 cup
milk powder-1 cup
butter - 3/4 cup
cocoa powder - 3/4 cup

Make sugar syrup.
Add the butter and stir till it blends with the syrup.
Whip the Cocoa powder and milk powder together.
Add this to the butter and sugar mix.
Keep stirring till it becomes thick.
Grease a plate. Pour the mixture into it.
After it cools, cut into pieces and refrigerate.
Add nuts like cashews if you like.

3)Make valentine cards with handmade paper or buy the ones made out of handmade paper.

4)The best gift: name a star after your loved one, buy a piece of the rain forest, make a donation in their name, etc.
For naming a star go to:

To buy a piece of rainforest go to:

For more interesting tips on Saving our planet: