Sex n the City 2 , the movie was much more fun than the first. The first was just a lot of boohoos with Mr.Big wanting to say I do and then not wanting to say it and then back to saying it. Just too much melodrama for me...
Where as 2 came back to its core, where though 3 of the gals are married, the movie has them living their single days, having girly talks, sleep ins, late nights and partying and sharing lots of laughs. The enthusiasm that they have for life and its various colours, the bond that they share is not a very common sight. Till adulthood took over and priorities changed...when saying girl friends are soul mates wasn't so cool anymore, we said it too...But when you see this, you realise its OK to say it even now:-)
Man, how I would love to be part of Carrie's gang, if not for anything, but for the absolute faith and friendship they feel for each other and of course the gorgeous Manhattan blue walled Carrie's apartment wont hurt either..
And the idea of Mr.Big's to take that 2 days off a week, to do the things YOU want to do is actually worth a thought. Its easier to appreciate the guy on the couch watching TV when you have been away for a couple of days, isn't it?? And you get time with your gals too....
So here it is..Thanks my dear soul mates for being there for me when I need you most and also when I don't...And thanks to my guy for letting me take the time off once in a while so I can come back and be so happy that I have you, instead of biting your head off for watching so much TV!!!