Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Go green....

We are constantly hearing about Global Warming and how people are disposing so much unhealthy waste. But when I saw the number of NGOs who are working for the environment related causes, I was very thrilled and touched that there are so many initiatives by people to do something and make a difference. Even though the numbers are relatively small, I think that in itself is very encouraging.
And then there are the schools who are teaching the kids about environment protection which I find truly amazing. Like in the school my son goes to, the kids have been taught that plastic is bad. So my son always insists that I do not get the grocery bags from the stores and carry my own cloth one. He was only 6 when he learnt this! As another initiative, they were taught about how to help prevent wasting water. These are such simple steps, but I do appreciate the school for taking them.

The other day, I overheard this conversation between my husband and son,

Son: Dad, I wish I could take one of these stray dogs, get him the injections he needs, so then I can take care of it.
Dad: Very thoughtful of you sweetie, but there are hundreds of them. We can't help them all.
Son: But dad there are hundreds of us too!!
-Came the reply!!

We were so impressed . If we could nurture these thoughts, they will definitely grow up being more aware of noble causes like the environment or something that is socially relevant and close to their heart. According to me, just having this thought is a baby step. And so it is in our power to make sure we instill these thoughts and not let them simmer down.

A lot of times, we ourselves lose steam over some of our desires (I can't say passion, cos if it was passion, I would not be just writing my thoughts about the environment, I would be writing about what I have done for it. ) to help make the world a better place. These days, I believe, a lot of us have this desire. No, really! I honestly do not remember my mom or dad talking about 'protecting the environment'. They were smart individuals but this was not on their mind at all. Maybe it is a very human attitude where we need the doctor when we are ill or we pray to God when we need him. So till proof of the environment going kaput came, no one really cared. Coming back to where I was, when we have a noble desire like this, what do most of us do?Discuss it with family and friends, who at that moment in time may not have a social cause or an environment related issue a priority on their to do lists. So out come negative opinions and poof goes our steam.

So lets take baby steps and try to bring to life these noble thoughts we have. It could be as simple as planting a tree or placing some garbage cans in the street we live or something more socially relevant like, teaching a poor child. They say even good deeds are not unselfish. Even if this is true, and we are going to do it so we can feel good about it later, so what?In fact can't that be enough reason for us to do it?We all strive in jobs and homes so as to feel good at the end of the day anyway,right?
If I have managed to pique even a little interest , then do visit and try to find your calling:-)
P.S: This is for people living in Karnataka as the link implies...

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