Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Message in a Blog

I recently got this email which read "George Carlin... A Must Read!!"..And I did.. These are some of the things that stayed with me even after..

"The paradox of our time is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers..."
"We have bigger houses but smaller families"
"We drink too much ,smoke too much, laugh too little, spend too recklessly, stay up too late, read too little, pray too seldom.."
"We've conquered outer space but not inner space.."

"Remember to say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person will soon grow up and leave your side.."

"Give time to love, give time to speak!And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind."

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take but by the moments that take our breath away.."

I may not remember this for a long time..As usual I will get busy with my life and continue doing what I have been doing without a thought to this message..But Just For Today I will remember it, cherish my thoughts and send up a prayer ..esp for a friend who really needs it now...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My 8 yr old can blog better than me!!

I was sitting in front of my pc, wondering what to pen for the day when my 8 year old son, Arnav, comes and shows me his dairy for the day..And I go 'wow'...And here I am staring into the blank screen for the last 10 minutes...

It just absolutely amazes me how kids these days are so vocal compared to us at that age. Their thinking has so much more clarity.Usually everyone puts that to the exposure they have these days..Is that it?? When I ask Arnav to drink some coconut water since it is so healthy, he does not immediately buy it. There are 10 questions regarding the coconut water and its benefits. He has to be sure before he will give in. I keep telling him he is an all in all 'lawyer' material'.. If this kind of interrogation would take place in a courtroom, God bless the side he is against!!

I know I get angry with him when he argues for everything but whenever I sit back and think about it, I cant help feel proud at the working of the little brain and take pleasure in the fact that somewhere I have a hand in it :-) But I can never have him read this...That will be it for me!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Career Counsellor Maybe??

I have been spending hours reading up articles on looking for change in career etc. At the end I either end up feeling elated that I am reading so much and time is not wasted away..Else I end up with a feeling of frustration..I feel there is this career, tailor-made for me...Waiting to be discovered...The same feeling one gets when one forgets a name of a movie and its there at the tip of the tongue..

Through all this, I suddenly realised maybe a career counsellor maybe the career for me. Since when others have come to talk to me about what they should be doing work wise, I seem to have the right questions to ask and the right answers for them!! So why not? Maybe worth pursuing. So I know the next few hours I am going to browse the net entering search phrases like 'How to become a career counsellor' ..Will atleast do that till I stumble on something else that seems more interesting!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Blogger Blogger everywhere....

Either I have been noticing 'Bloggers' more since I have started blogging myself, or there truly are bloggers in every corner...And really interesting writing too...
If it was just a diary I had to write, it would be just be 'My brother had a baby'....
But since its a blog hmmm...
I became an atthe (south Indian word for dad's sister) on Nov 28th.... The most precious little baby girl has entered into our lives...'Sihi' is the name ..It means sweet in Kannada..