Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Career Counsellor Maybe??

I have been spending hours reading up articles on looking for change in career etc. At the end I either end up feeling elated that I am reading so much and time is not wasted away..Else I end up with a feeling of frustration..I feel there is this career, tailor-made for me...Waiting to be discovered...The same feeling one gets when one forgets a name of a movie and its there at the tip of the tongue..

Through all this, I suddenly realised maybe a career counsellor maybe the career for me. Since when others have come to talk to me about what they should be doing work wise, I seem to have the right questions to ask and the right answers for them!! So why not? Maybe worth pursuing. So I know the next few hours I am going to browse the net entering search phrases like 'How to become a career counsellor' ..Will atleast do that till I stumble on something else that seems more interesting!!

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